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Ernestine Northover How

Virginia Falls - South Nahanni River

@UdoKellner #southnahanni #rafting #waterfall A trip to Virginia Falls, NWT Canada. One of the largest and most spectacular river waterfalls. No road access. ...

2024-09-15 03:37 76 Youtube

как растут бананы


2024-09-15 00:39 252 Youtube

Жизнь без собак. Наши гости Чихуахуа / Life without dogs. Our guests Chihuahua


2024-09-15 10:22 50 Youtube


1970-01-01 00:00 0 Youtube

Ernestine Northover - How Long

‘How long is it dear, since we were wed, when first I ventured into your bed. We’ve made it through together since then, time filled with laughter, and co...

2014-11-08 01:15 9 Dailymotion

Ernestine Northover - How They Command

Snow capped mountains sharply pierce the sky, Ragged peaks jut upwards stiff and stark. Cold and frozen wilderness so high, Standing out, a permanent landmark...

2014-11-07 01:00 1 Dailymotion

Ernestine Northover - Togetherness

The years roll by from girl to woman, The years roll by from boy to man, Then one of them will find the other, A 'fusion' part of God's great plan. For this...

2014-11-07 00:57 39 Dailymotion

Ernestine Northover - Trees

Green with spendour when Summer's here, Brown contender in Autumn's sphere, Bare the branches in Winter's embrace, New growth created, when Spring shows her ...

2014-11-07 01:46 10 Dailymotion

Ernestine Northover - Lush Green Dew - Duncan Wyllie & Ernestine Northover

The lush green dew that rises. The mist that covers the lawn. Droplets of water declare. Dancers that rise in the morn swirling. The patterns escape dreamily i...

2014-11-07 00:43 1 Dailymotion